Fall Urban Ministry Opportunities

PMC Urban Ministries is offering this Fall...

1.  One-2-One English Conversation Partners

Since January 2015 PMC has offered a place where Newcomers to Hamilton could not only improve their listening and speaking English skills, but make new friends to walk with them through the highs and lows of their lives.  Volunteer native English speakers are learning about the cultures represented in our group just as they are culture coaches to help our new friends navigate the waters of Canadian culture.  

Format:  Plenary Zoom session with small breakout groups

Time: Mondays 7-8pm (we begin Sept 28)

Topics: One person presents a topic for all (culture/ news related) and then       Volunteers(native English speakers) will lead small groups of English learners in discussion.

Pre-requisites: Participants must register ahead of time, new Volunteers need to "meet" with Geoff prior to being added to the team.

If you are interested to join us, either as a Participant or a Volunteer, contact: 

Geoff Beatty   geoffsidy@gmail.com 

2. Gospel Neighbouring- putting feet on mercy ministries

Newcomers to Canada, homeless folks and people who find themselves on the margins of society are just some who make up the community in which our church is planted.

Practical helps so far: Redistribution of Furniture, Bike repair, Food and daily living needs and Parenting supports (MOPS) are a few ways Philpott church has responded.  There is much more to do..

Going Beyond Bricks and mortar

Whether or not you  participated in the "Gospel Neighbouring" course offered online back in the Spring you may be looking for ways to show the love of God through acts of mercy- "an impulse that makes us sensitive to hurts and lacks in others and makes us desire to alleviate them..", join us for a meeting to share our concerns and observations and translate them into action.

Contact Geoff Beatty for more information: geoffsidy@gmail.com  289-775-1648