Bolt VBS

BOLT VBS Slide - Aug 9, 16, 23 and 30.001.jpeg


We are so excited to announce that VBS WILL BE HAPPENING this year! With one modification, though. We’re bringing VBS to your kids on-line.

 This summer, anytime in August, we will be using a quarantine friendly VBS called BOLT. With minimal preparation, easy-to-follow instructions, and a video that leads you and your kids step-by-step through each of the 3 days, BOLT is designed for you to perform with your family at home – any time in August. It is so simple! 

 During BOLT, your family will participate in fun games that illustrate what it means to listen to, focus on, and follow Jesus. Depending on your pace, you can expect that each day’s experience will last about an hour and a half. It is great for kids 5 and up. Even middle and high school kids can enjoy it!

 Video Access:

You can access the videos and resources on the BOLT Family Portal                      Password: LETSBOLT

You can also access the videos on this YouTube Playlist or copy and paste the following into a web browser:

 Invite other kids, if they are in your bubble, and do BOLT VBS together.