Introducing Melody Whitehead


We are excited to announce that Melody Whitehead will be joining the Philpott Staff as our Director of Administration and Communication! Get to know Melody a bit better in the Q&A below. -Jesse

Tell us about yourself! How long have you lived in Hamilton? Do you have a family?  

I was born and raised on the Manitoulin Island in Northern Ontario. Tim and I met at Laurentian University in Sudbury and married in ‘97. We have been living in Hamilton since ‘98. We are the proud parents of 5 kids. Georgia, Providence, Isaac, Aurora and Tobias.

What do you do for fun?  

Can supper time be the thing I do for fun?? With 7 people around the table, each meal includes at least two monologues, one debate, plus gut busting laughter where Tim tries to encourage his family to still have table manners and not discuss anything related to the digestive system! You should have a meal with us!! 

I also enjoy playing board/card games. This involves snacks, and a themed Spotify music queue that we each add to. Please note I might be a bit competitive and I do take notes when we play Clue! 

How long have you been involved at Philpott, and what sorts of ministries have you participated in? 

We have been attending Philpott since 2017. I have been involved with the ladies ministry as well as teaching Plan to Protect to volunteers. When I was asked if I would co-lead the MOPS/MOMSnext group last year I jumped at the opportunity because I believe mommas need to know you’ve got this!

What is one thing you'll be focusing on as you get started in this new role?

One area I will be focusing on is using online communication as a tool to share the stories of the people in the Philpott community.  As we currently live physically disconnected, we need to encourage each other, to be inspired by stories of faith, and identify God moments -those ways we see God working in our everyday lives. 

Are there ways that people can participate in what you'll be doing? 

  1. I would love to hear your story. What has God been teaching you? Where have you seen God working in your life? 

  2. I am looking also for volunteers to help with online content including areas of photography, videography, writing etc. 

What is one thing you're looking forward to this year (personally or professionally)?

Personally, I would like to finish crocheting my ugly Christmas Sweater. Professionally, I look forward to growing in this role at Philpott Church. I am excited to get to know more of the Philpott community and above all I can’t wait to see how God continues to move in our lives and lives of those around us.