Introducing Jackson Theune


We’re very happy to announce that Jackson Theune will be joining the Philpott staff as our Student Ministries Pastor! You can get to know a little more about Jackson in the Q&A below. -Jesse

Where are you from, and what brought you to Hamilton? 
I’m originally from outside Edmonton, Alberta, growing up near the small town of Lamont, but have also spent time living in Los Angeles and Calgary while going to school. I was drawn to Hamilton because of the terrific PhD program at the McMaster Divinity College and an even more terrific girl named Erin who is now my fiancee.

You’ll be working primarily with youth and young adults at Philpott; what draws you to this kind of ministry? 
I was raised in a family that has a long heritage of working in student ministry. My grandfather ran youth Bible camps in Alberta for 50 years and I grew up spending every summer at camp seeing and learning from the passion of my grandparents and parents who loved working with youth and seeing them grow closer to Jesus. As I got older I eventually became an assistant camp director and continued working with students throughout the school year as an academic advisor. What continues to draw me to student ministry is the value and insight youth bring to the church and the passion they have for seeing change happen, specifically as followers of Christ, advancing his kingdom in the world through the work of the Spirit. 

Ministry during a pandemic is pretty strange; what do you think will be your first step for youth and young adult ministry during this period of social distancing? 
I would love to set up a healthy and relevant online community for our students so that we can connect with one another and disciple each other even when we aren’t able to meet in person. I think that maintaining a vibrant social media group will allow us to not only use technology to honour God but also provide opportunities for continued outreach outside of the physical church.

How can people join in what you’ll be doing with youth and young adult ministry?
The first and one of the most important things people can do is pray, especially for our students and for those who the Spirit is already drawing to Philpott and this exciting ministry. People can also offer any and all expertise or insight they might have into what would be valuable for the student ministry at Philpott. As someone who is new to the community I would value highly any feedback or ideas that members of this already vibrant church might have for the student ministry, especially parents and those who have a vested interest in the personal and spiritual success of our youth and young adults. My door and email are always open!

What do like to do for fun—that is, when you’re not working or studying?  
When I’m not working or studying my fiancee and I love exploring and visiting new places around Ontario so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know! I also love hiking, skateboarding, camping, playing baseball and hockey, and watching cheesy TV from the 80s (my personal favourite is Magnum PI but my fiancee has slowly turned me into a Golden Girls fan). 

What’s one thing you’re looking forward to this year (whether personally or in ministry)? 
I was supposed to get married in early June but it unfortunately had to be postponed so I’m greatly looking forward to that! I am also excited to get to know the students at Philpott Church and begin working with our terrific leaders in discipling and engaging our community and the youth and young adults of Hamilton.