PMC Bursaries 2020

Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

The Philpott Memorial Church Bursary Committee aims to support students who are pursuing post-secondary studies and have financial need. We have three bursaries available to qualifying students in post-secondary studies: for Bible College, Health Sciences & the Arts. Our Bursary Committee will consider all applications and recommend that the successful candidates receive a maximum of $1,000 for a full-time student and $500 for a part-time student. Amounts may vary with the number of applications received. Bursaries will be awarded once per school year. After approval by the Board of Elders, a cheque will be made payable to the student.

To qualify, a student must be a member or adherent of PMC, and active in the life and ministry of PMC. Alternatively, any member or adherent of PMC who was active in the life and ministry of PMC before moving away to school, and who still considers PMC to be his/her home church.

Please email or mail completed application forms to our church office:  If you have any questions, please contact Larry MacDonald: (905) 627-1245 or email

Deadline for application is August 31, 2020.

Larry MacDonald (chairman)

Criteria for Awarding a PMC Bursary

Danby Bursary:

1.  Must be a member or adherent of PMC

2.  Must be active in the community and ministry at PMC

3.  Must be needing support to attend Bible College or Seminary classes


Smithson Bursary:

1.  Must be a member or adherent of PMC

2.  Must be active in the community and ministry at PMC

3.  Must be taking courses in health sciences.


Arts Bursary:

1. Must be a member or adherent of PMC

2. Must be a student who is enrolled in a post-secondary arts program:  1 or more of art, music, literature, drama, film, dance, photography, film making, etc.

3. Must be involved in an active way as an artist, musician, writer, actor, dancer, or photographer.


        1.   Applicants must fulfill the above criteria

2.   An online application may be filled out at any time during the current year but by August 31, 2020. An applicant cannot apply more than once in a fiscal year.


a.   The Bursary Committee will review the applicants for all bursaries and approve a list of recipients by September 30.

b.   The list of the proposed bursary recipients will be given to the Elders Board for their approval at the October Board Meeting. 


i.     Danby & Smithson Bursaries: The Capital fund treasurer will inform the Bursary Committee how much money is available from the Bursary investments to be paid out to the bursary applicants.  The amount available for each bursary will be divided amongst the applicants for that bursary, at the discretion of the Bursary Committee.

ii.    Arts Bursary: $500 a year will be available to one recipient per year until the overall fund is depleted.


a.   The Elders Board will review the applicants at the October Board Meeting.

b.   A list of recipients will be approved.

c.   The Elders board will provide a list of recipients to The Capital Fund Treasurer who will do the appropriate bookkeeping, process the cheque for each recipient and mail it to them by November 1.

Online Bursary Applications