Sermon Reflection and Next Steps

Hi friends,

In my message yesterday, I mentioned several next steps that I want to highlight. As you know, we recently began a new sermon series on the book of Acts and over the past two weeks, we have been exploring a pivotal sermon from the book. You can read the sermon here. If you missed the message you can listen to it on our YouTube channel. The message begins at the 48 min mark.

There are three things you can do in response to the message:

  1. Do a prayer walk around the streets/neighbourhood of our church.

    • Our church is located in the heart of Hamilton. I encourage you to spend some time walking and talking to God about our witness. Prayer walking can help you learn more about God’s heart for our neighbourhood. Pray for discernment, pray about opportunities for the gospel and ask God for a heart of compassion and justice.

  2. Sign-up for “A Guide to Gospel Neighboring Course.”

    • This course helps you take simple, practical, biblical steps to know and serve the needs of your own neighbours—no expertise, program, or budget required. It also addresses some of the common, unbiblical pitfalls that make these efforts fall flat or cause more harm than good. By listening, learning, connecting, and serving our neighbours in need, we can begin a journey of letting God grow our faith and our witness in our communities. T

      This course will help you:

      1. Connect with your actual neighbours in need.

      2. Deepen your prayer life and connection to God’s mission.

      3. Create a sound foundation for a mercy ministry,

    This is a six-week online course that will begin, Monday, June 29.

    Fill out the form below to join the course.

  3. Learn strategies for sharing your faith by reading the book, “Evangelism in a Skeptical World: How to Make the Unbelievable News about Jesus More Believable”

May God gives us the vision to bring gospel truth, goodness and beauty to our neighbourhoods and city.

Grace & Peace,


A Guide to Gospel Neighboring Course