We need your help!


We need your help! Even though there is a small group of people gathering in-person on Sunday mornings, it takes a lot of people to make the service happen.

Welcome team: Our welcome team is responsible for greeting people as they enter the building and making them feel at home. Due to the physical distancing guidelines, the welcome team also reminds people to stay distant from one another, distributes masks for those who do not have their own, and keeps a list of contact information for anyone who enters the building. We need a lot of friendly people to do this each week! Contact Jesse Hill to sign up.

Tech Team: Our tech team is responsible for operating the PA and projection systems each week, so that everyone can see and hear what is happening in the service. Now that we are live-streaming the service each week, we need more volunteers to help with the added work of running the video systems. There are three main roles in the tech team:

  • FOH (front of house) sound: responsible for mixing sound in in the auditorium

  • Projection: responsible for running projection, including song lyrics, playing video clips, etc. 

  • Video: responsible for mixing sound for the livestream, as well as operating the cameras and video switcher. 

if you are interested in serving in any of these roles, or finding out more, contact Jesse Hill.