Street Ministry

Our kitchen volunteers preparing meals for outreach

Our kitchen volunteers preparing meals for outreach

Our street ministry team heading out with water and snacks

Our street ministry team heading out with water and snacks

In the midst of the summer heat our street ministry continues. If you have a few free hours this summers we invite you to serve in the kitchen (Tuesdays and Thursdays) or on a walking team (Monday through Thursday).

Another way that you could help serve would be to donate care items which we distribute twice a week on our walks downtown.

We are looking for the following care items:

  • underwear

  • deodorant

  • toothbrushes & toothpaste

  • shampoo & conditioner

  • soap

  • cases of water bottles

  • individually wrapped snack food

  • mens clothing (high demand for size 32 men’s pants and 9-12 size shoes )

  • reusable or plastic bags

  • individual packages of Kleenex

  • wet-naps

  • menstruation products

If you are able to donate any of these items and can drop them off at the church, we would really appreciate it! If you have any questions please contact the church.