Spiritual Disciplines: Fresh Winds by His Grace

by Jan Mutter, Family Life Pastor

In the last few years I have discovered the joy of new Spiritual Disciplines.  God has used these to breathe a fresh wind of his grace through my life.  He has led me to slow down and listen for his still small voice.  His Spirit has applied the Word to my heart so that my “inner landscape feels spacious and open to God’s direction.” [1]

Journaling is the ‘catch all’ place for the work that God is doing in me.  My spiritual journey is recorded in it.  Here are some of my musings…

Before Easter a poem popped out of my head as I was meditating on Jesus words at the Last Supper – one of you will betray me – all of you will desert me.  (Mark 14)

prayer doodle identifying the people I am praying for helped me stay focused.  Praying in colour is developing in my journal.

Sermon notes and Bible Study have questions and ideas written all around them.  I look back on them and realize what God is teaching me.

Spiritual Reading is having an impact on me.  I write down quotes and points that I want to remember from other men and women of God.  For example,

“Our relationship to God would be greatly improved if we saw prayer as listening to God rather than talking to him.”  James M. Houston in Transforming Friendship


Times of Silence and Solitude when I hear God’s voice clearly are written in my journal– God Speaks:  be confident in the power of the gospel!

Finally, imagining myself in the story of the cross led me to see it through the eyes of Jesus’ Mother, Mary.

I Said “Yes” to God

I said “yes” when the angel told me that God had chosen me to bear the Son of God.

I kept saying “yes” when trouble in the form of a raging King Herod came and we had to flee.

I said “yes” when Joseph said another dream from God had come, directing us to return to Israel.  Herod was dead.

I said a puzzled “yes” to God the year we lost Jesus in the Temple at Passover.

My “yes” to God continued as Jesus became a man.  I was watching him, waiting for what God would do next.  At times I wondered if anything would happen at all!

For the next three years I said “yes” to God as my Son moved further away from our family.  He travelled all over Israel.  I heard about his teaching, healing and casting out of demons. I believed his message.

Then came the day when I stood at the foot of a cross where my Son was nailed.  I sobbed before God – struggling to say “yes” to God’s Plan.

Then came Sunday morning.  After experiencing what happened next, I shouted “YES” to God!

I look back on my life and shake my head in wonder.  Look at what God did with my simple “yes” all those years ago!

What spiritual disciplines are you practicing these days? Do you need to try something different to place you in the position to receive a fresh wind of God’s grace?

[1] P 128 “The Transforming Friendship:  A Guide to Prayer” by James M. Houston