Looking Back in Prayer: an Examen mixtape

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This month marks one year since our lives were upended by the coronavirus. As we look back at all that has changed over the past year, we think it is important to reflect in prayer on the ways that God has walked with us through these turbulent times.

For centuries, Christians have practiced an ancient way of looking back at the past in prayer, called the Prayer of Examen. (Examen: a devotional exercise involving reflection on and moral evaluation of one's thoughts and conduct, typically performed on a daily basis.).

There are many different forms of the examen, as Christian communities have adapted it to suit their own needs. We’ve adapted the prayer to help us to reflect with God on what he has done in our lives over the past twelve months. The Examen is typically a reflective practice, involving a good deal of silence, but in this case, we’ve put the prayer in a mixtape. In the audio file below, you’ll hear Jesse and Val lead you through the prayer of examen, interspersed with songs meant to help you as you pray.

You can listen to this prayer at home alone, with your family or your growth group, or on a walk or a bike ride. The most important thing is that you try your best to be open to however the Lord may lead you or speak to you as you pray, so keep a pen and paper handy in case you want to write something down.


For this prayer, we are following 6 basic steps.

  1. Slow down. Prepare yourself to meet with God in prayer. This is a time for reflecting with God on your year. Ask the Lord to quiet your anxious thoughts, and ask that you would hear from him during this time. Ask the Lord to look back at your year with you.

  2. What was hard about this year? What made you feel afraid, anxious, angry, doubtful, or lonely over the past twelve months?

  3. What was good about this year? In what ways were your needs met? How did you grow in faith over the past year? What did you learn this year?

  4. What else does God see when he looks at your year? What matters most to him about these past twelve months? Be ready for God to bring the unexpected to your attention.

  5. Thank God for what he has done in your life over this past year. Ask him to lead you in the months to come.

  6. Closing: what did you take away from this time? Take notes, or draw a picture, or place a memento on your shelf. Something to remind you of what God has done in your life during the pandemic. If you are comfortable, share your thoughts with us in the comment box below.

Here are the songs included in the mixtape:

“Walk With Me, Lord” by Brittney Spencer/Common Hymnal

“Be Still My Soul” by Reawaken Hymns

“Oh God, Where Are You Now? (In Pickeral Lake? Pigeon? Marquette? Mackinaw?)” by Sufjan Stevens

“The House of God Forever” by Jon Foreman

“No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus” by Stephanie Gretzinger

“You Are With Me” by Sandra McCracken

“By Gracious Powers” by Jesse Hill