Sharing The Hope of Christmas

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Do you know someone in need of a tangible boost of HOPE this Christmas?

The Need: So many people have been impacted this year by the loss of jobs, company downsizing, or a lack of resources that were previously available.

What We Can Do: We want our church family and the community to know we care. We are inviting you to be part of this. We will be collecting monetary donations online and at the church for the purchase of grocery store gift cards. The week of Christmas, staff will deliver these gifts. In addition to this, we will be making a donation to a few local organizations that provide support for people in need year round. When giving please include ‘Christmas Hope- Benevolent’ in the memo.

Who can we help: It might be you, or a neighbour of yours. Our desire is to be an encouragement to those whom we walk alongside. Contact the church office as we confidentially collect names of people who we can share hope with this Christmas.